New guidelines call for less use of surgery to treat heart valve disease


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People with heart valve disease have a growing number of treatment options that could allow them to avoid surgery except in the most severe cases, 根据新的指导方针.

这些建议, meant to advise health care providers and developed jointly by the 美国心脏协会 and American College of Cardiology, call for the use of less invasive treatment for conditions that make it difficult for heart valves to open and close normally, 扰乱心脏血流.

People with severe valve disease should be evaluated by a specialized team to determine the best treatment, 根据指导方针 co-published Thursday in the AHA journal 循环 发表在《线上电子游戏飞禽走兽》上. 新指南是对2017年发布的最新指南的更新.

"Current research and new technology continue to transform the treatment of heart valve disease, as updated lifestyle and medication guidance evolve and less invasive procedures have replaced traditional surgery for many patients," Dr. Catherine Otto, co-chair of the guideline writing committee, said in a news release. 奥托是J。. 沃德·肯尼迪-汉密尔顿心脏病学教授, professor of medicine and director of the Heart Valve Clinic at the University of Washington School of Medicine in Seattle.

Roughly half of all people ages 65 and older have some form of heart valve disease. With stenosis, the valve becomes narrow or stiff, restricting blood flow. Regurgitation causes the valve to leak, allowing blood to flow backward into another heart chamber. Untreated heart valve disease can lead to heart failure and death.

The past several years have seen a growth in less invasive treatment options for people with these conditions. Stenosis can now be treated with valve replacement using a catheter instead of surgery. There also are less risky and more durable treatments for repairing or replacing the "leaky" valves involved in regurgitation.

People who have severe forms of heart valve disease and need valve repair or replacement should be evaluated by a specialized team working with a primary or comprehensive valve center, 根据指导方针. Those facilities have the resources and capabilities to perform a wider range of procedures.

The new guidelines were written to help doctors keep up with a rapidly changing field, 指南撰写委员会联合主席Dr. 瑞克一个. 西村.

“如今,医学领域的知识出现了爆炸式增长, 哪些会让临床医生不知所措,西村在线上电子游戏飞禽走兽发布会上说. He is the Judd and Mary Morris Leighton Professor of Cardiovascular Diseases at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, 明尼苏达州. “在瓣膜性心脏病领域尤其如此, in which multiple investigational trials are being rapidly performed and released, so that it becomes extremely difficult for an individual clinician to keep up with optimal treatments for each specific patient."

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