People born with heart defects need lifetime mental health care, report says

By American Heart Association News

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天生有心脏缺陷的人在儿童和成人时期面临更高的焦虑和情绪障碍风险,应该在日常医疗保健中提供心理健康支持, 根据一项旨在促进对患有此类心脏病的终生影响的研究的新报告.

这份来自美国心脏协会的科学声明是对最新研究的分析,是“紧急呼吁采取行动”,将对先天性心脏病患者的医疗和心理护理结合起来,并首次总结了他们面临的心理和社会挑战. It was published Thursday in the AHA journal Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes.

People with congenital heart defects, or CHD, 是否有心脏或心脏附近的血管在出生前没有正常发育. Though most people with such problems survive to adulthood, they may need multiple surgeries and specialty care throughout their lives. More than 2.4 million people in the U.S. are living with CHD.

“对患有先天性心脏病的人产生心理上的反应是完全可以理解的," Adrienne H. Kovacs, chair of the group that wrote the statement, said in a news release. 科瓦奇是一名临床心理学家,专门研究冠心病患者. “这种情况在一生中会带来许多挑战,可能包括意想不到的消息——比如一个人意识到自己再也无法应付工作的要求。, or learning that there are significant risks to pregnancy."

Many have tremendous resilience in the face of such challenges, she said, but "at the same time, 我们希望使心理反应正常化,并增加心理健康护理的普及,以帮助冠心病患者体验充实和健康的生活."

According to the statement, 患有复杂心脏异常的儿童在其一生中被诊断为焦虑症的可能性是正常人的五倍. 然而,只有一小部分患有冠心病的儿童接受了心理健康问题的评估或治疗. About half of adults living with CHD are diagnosed with mood or anxiety disorders.

The statement highlights issues related to each life stage. During infancy, 婴儿可能会经历痛苦或可怕的医疗程序,并与护理人员长线上电子游戏飞禽走兽分离. This can make them hypersensitive to light and sound, cause problems with eating or sleeping or lead to developmental delays.

额外的住院和手术,以及在儿童和青少年时期必须管理健康的额外责任,可能意味着玩耍或上学的线上电子游戏飞禽走兽更少. This can lead to social withdrawal, anxiety, depression, anger and defiance. 作为青少年,他们也可能停止遵循健康建议或表现出危险行为.

Adults may experience new or worsening heart symptoms, repeat surgeries or other heart problems during adulthood, 哪些会导致经济困难或保险和计划生育问题. This can lead to relationship problems, 教育或就业问题以及对保持健康和死亡可能性的担忧.

“几十年的研究描述了冠心病患者一生中可能出现的心理和社会压力和挑战," Kovacs said. “我们早就应该从意识到行动,为冠心病患者提供更多的资源和专业的心理健康护理."

The statement suggests integrating mental health specialists with CHD specialty care teams; encouraging self-care strategies such as relaxation techniques; and prescribing heart-safe medication therapy for anxiety and depression when appropriate.

“我们希望心理健康评估和支持成为所有冠心病患者综合护理的一部分,而不是只在某些地方或特殊情况下提供的特殊服务," Kovacs said.

Two other recent AHA scientific statements addressed issues related to CHD. A March 2022 statement 建议在儿童向成人医疗保健过渡期间为儿童提供支持 April 2022 statement 总结了健康的社会决定因素在一个人的一生中影响冠心病的方式. A 2011 statement 研究了儿童冠心病的发育迟缓和神经发育结局.

美国心脏协会线上电子游戏飞禽走兽的心理健康报道得到了黛安和丹尼尔·施默的支持. AHA News is solely responsible for all content and editorial decisions.

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