什么是交通条件, which NFL player Damar 哈姆林 says stopped his heart?

By Michael Merschel, 美国心脏协会 线上电子游戏飞禽走兽

2022年8月,布法罗比尔队的安全队员达马尔·哈姆林在纽约果园公园的季前赛中. 他星期二说,他在一月份的一场比赛中晕倒是由于骚乱造成的. (Timothy T Ludwig/Getty Images Sport via Getty Images)
2022年8月,布法罗比尔队的安全队员达马尔·哈姆林在纽约果园公园的季前赛中. 他星期二说,他在一月份的一场比赛中晕倒是由于骚乱造成的. (Timothy T Ludwig/Getty Images Sport via Getty Images)

达玛尔·哈姆林在《线上电子游戏飞禽走兽》节目中证实,他几乎致命的晕倒原因是骚乱, a rare event caused by a blow to the chest.


哈姆林, 25, 布法罗比尔队的安全保障, spoke at a news conference after working out with the team. 早些时候, 球队总经理布兰登·比恩表示,多位专家已经为哈姆林进行了检查,他已经“完全康复”,可以重返赛场.

“我还有很长的路要走,但我每天都在努力,日复一日,”哈姆林说. "So I thank everybody for being on this journey with me."


哈姆林's collapse after being hit in the chest while making a tackle on Jan. 这让数百万人想知道,一场普通的比赛怎么会让一名运动员的心脏停止跳动.

商情需要几件事才能完全正确或完全错误. 戈登F. 托马塞利,玛丽莲和斯坦利·M. Katz Dean of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in the Bronx, New York. 他还是Montefiore Medicine的执行副总裁兼首席学术官.

除非目击者认出来, 开始心肺复苏术, alert emergency medical services and use a defibrillator, “病人将无法存活,托马塞利说, 他是美国心脏协会前主席,专门研究心源性猝死和心律失常.



Commotio cordis(发音为ke-MO-she-o-KORD-is)来自拉丁语,意思是“心脏的躁动”.它最早是在18世纪被描述的, but most of what is known about it has been learned since the 1990s.

Put simply, it's a rare cardiac arrest immediately following a blow to the chest. The impact induces a potentially lethal heart rhythm disturbance, 或心律失常, 称为心室颤动, Tomaselli说.


What viewers witnessed when 哈姆林 collapsed was typical, said Dr. 巴里·J. 马伦, a cardiologist at Lahey Hospital and Medical Center in Burlington, 麻萨诸塞州, 谁在看比赛.

“我是实时看到的,马龙说, as 哈姆林 took what seemed to be a routine blow, 然后交错, 和崩溃. “这是一个令人不安的线上娱乐电子游戏网站."

马伦, who has spent decades doing pioneering research on commotio cordis, was not aware of 哈姆林's official diagnosis prior to Tuesday's announcement. But 他说 last week that after a blow to the chest, the person can tolerate the arrhythmia for a few seconds before collapsing. 马龙在一个令人难忘的案例中说, a second baseman playing softball was struck by a line drive in the chest. "The ball dropped right in front of him. He reached down, picked up the ball and threw the runner out. 然后崩溃了. 而死."


There's no way to know exactly how common commotio cordis events are, 马伦说, 谁帮助建立了美国.S. 1995年的康迪士登记处. Reporting cases to the registry is voluntary. “但它们肯定非常非常罕见."

A scientific review just published last month in 临床电生理学 identified only 334 cases dating back to 1980.


在最近的科学综述中,94%的受害者是男性,他们的平均年龄为19岁. A little less than two-thirds of the cases involved sports, and most of those involved a projectile such as a baseball or softball.

在非体育案例中, 大约四分之三涉及人身攻击, and 7% were from motor vehicle accidents.

打雪仗、兄弟之间的扭打和从自行车上摔下来都是造成骚乱的原因. Children have died after being struck by toy bats, T-balls or plastic sleds.

年轻人更容易患心绞痛,因为他们的胸部发育不全,柔韧性更强, Tomaselli说, 他们更有可能做一些事情,比如运动,这可能会使他们处于危险之中.

There's no data on whether physical differences might protect females, 他说, and their lower rates are probably related to the fact that boys and young men, 在过去, have been more likely to participate in sports.

绝大多数, Tomaselli说, commotio cordis occurs in people who have no underlying heart disease.


First, 马伦 said, "the blow has to be over the heart. 例如,如果它在胸部的右侧,它就不会引发心律失常."

Second, it has to occur during a precise moment in a heartbeat. "It's a very narrow time window,托马塞利说. "Anywhere between 20 and 40 milliseconds." For comparison, an eyeblink takes as much as 300 milliseconds.

Finally, the blow must be not too hard and not too soft, Tomaselli说. “这是一种‘金发姑娘’现象.“如果打击太强烈,心脏会受伤,通常不会发生心绞痛. A less-intense blow – even a soft one, 马伦 said – can trigger the problem.

What sorts of safety measures are possible?

"It would be very hard to protect oneself from commotio cordis," 马伦 said. People have died despite wearing chest protection; children have died from gently tossed balls that bounced off a glove. “这是一件奇怪的事情."

But proper training in how to respond can make a huge difference. A 2015 AHA and American College of Cardiology scientific statement 马龙帮助撰写的一份报告显示,近几十年来,存活率已经上升到2012年的近60%.

托马塞利同意,最好的预防措施是让更多的人能够通过拨打911来识别和应对心脏骤停, 知道如何进行有效的心肺复苏术,并确保使用自动体外除颤器, 或aed, 是否可用于所有体育赛事.

"It's not so much prevention as it is prompt treatment,托马塞利说.


心脏骤停, 能否生存取决于附近的人能否在几秒到几分钟内采取行动纠正问题, Tomaselli说. 1月. 2, 生存之链始于立即启动紧急医疗人员, beginning 心肺复苏 and using a defibrillator.


He added that when there is no underlying heart condition, 经历过骚乱的人应该能够恢复正常的活动.


Is there any overarching lesson we can learn from this?

“这是可逆的,”马龙说. 在理论上, 实际上,只要人们经过训练,能够识别出任何一种混乱状态,这种情况都是可以解决的, 有使用除颤器的机会吗, 和行动.

"Anybody can save a life,托马塞利说. “你可以通过知道如何做基本的心脏生命支持和心肺复苏术来挽救一条生命."

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